• Georgia Property Owners Association Act (2024)

    A copy of the 2024 amended version of the Georgia Property Owners Association Act (GA Code §§44-3-220 – 44-3-235) is now available to view and download under Governing Documents.

  • Board Meeting Notes

    Special Guest

    Sheriff Barry Babb with wife, Jill attended our meeting. Sheriff Babb discussed crime numbers in our community and Fayette County. He reported that we live in a safe community. There were two fraud calls, two alarm calls, and one fire assist call since the beginning of the year.

    • Fayette County is on track to be lower in crime than neighboring counties. Crime is currently down 25 percent from this time last year.
    • Fentanyl and Cocaine numbers have increased.
    • He recommended that people do not use the blue box at post office parking lot. Deposit mail inside post office.
    • Try to not mail payments through your personal mailbox as identity theft is happening in our county. Try to pay electronically.
    • Vaping is a huge issue with our youth.
    • Frock camera has been very helpful throughout the county. Fayette Co. Sheriff’s Dept. is the only entity that is able to see footage.
    • Speeding in the neighborhood was brought up and Sheriff Babb said that he would get the traffic division to put a digital speed sign coming down Horsemen’s Run.

    Treasurer’s Report

    We currently have $94,681.71 in our Operating Fund and $77,298.18 in our Reserve Fund. Dave transferred 40K into reserves. Budget is on track and looks good. The board is currently looking at repairs to the irrigation system at the parks and entrance. We are waiting to see what those costs are before doing any projects.

    Architectural Review Committee

    The Architectural Review Committee (Brad Williams and Steve Sutcavage) is working on Guidelines for homeowners. Many have submitted requests for outdoor projects. This form to request exterior alterations, additions and improvements can be found on Horsemensrun.org under “Forms.” Any exterior alterations, additions or improvements must be reviewed by the Architectural Committee.


    • The speed limit in Horsemen’s Run is 25 mph. Please Slow Down signs are placed throughout the community. It has been brought the to board’s attention that there are people going through our neighborhood at high rates of speed. The discussion of speed humps were brought up and Brad Williams, who worked Traffic Division for Peachtree City PD, said that studies show that there his no benefit to speed bumps because people speed between the speed bumps, drive around them onto neighbors grass. The roads are county property, and they would need to be evaluated by the Cunty Road Dept. and they decide the number of speed humps. We have no say as to how many and where they go.
    • A speed study would need to be done to determine if people are actually speeding or are just perceived as speeding. Also, we would have to pay and maintain the speed humps. The board discussed the potential of buying a digital speed sign placed in the neighborhood that can be moved throughout the community every 6 mos. to a year.
    • If homeowner’s and their guests would simply slow down, none of this would need to happen. It is the Board’s hope that educating everyone will work.


    Thank you to Laurie Spiker for sprucing up the entrance with new plants and flowers. She also planted up at the main park in the circles around the perimeter of the park.

    Park Irrigation/Landscaping

    Currently working on sprinkler system. Barry and Laurie Spiker met with an Arborist and received the final report. There are trees throughout the community that are dead and need to come down and others that need limbing.

    Pool Area

    • Grills or open flames of any kind are no longer allowed at the pool or anywhere near the pool house.
    • We are looking to place some type of ground cover inside the perimeter of pool area. Options discussed were pinestraw, pine nuggets, colored rubber strips, rocks, and flowers. The Board will review all options.
    • The switches inside the restrooms are old and not working properly. Motion censors will be placed in both bathrooms. The men’s rest room lights over the mirror no longer work and will be replaced.
    • Marnie Cott has organized pool workers for the summer months. They take pool readings, put umbrellas up, down, take out garbage at pool and tennis courts, maintain restrooms and straighten chairs.
    • One umbrella was broken and was replaced.
    • Barry Hess sprayed for weeds around the pool and tennis area.

    Neighborhood Watch

    The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office came to offer free digital fingerprinting for children. No one turned up, so this will not be done in the future.

    Social Committee

    Amanda Diehl has been very helpful in organizing various social events and food trucks in the neighborhood.

    Tennis Courts

    Aaron Hulse replaced a tennis strap.

    Proposed Amendment to the Declaration

    The Horsemen’s Run attorneys are working on an addendum to the Covenants regarding using residences as Airbnbs or anything similar. This will require a 2/3rd total association vote in order to add it to covenants.

    Comments from Members

    • Vehicles speeding through the neighborhood was discussed.
    • ATT Fiber Broadband request for neighborhood. Barry is reaching out to see what upfront costs will be, etc. ATT is currently at capacity with existing projects in process. They offered to get the process started for us, do a feasibility study to confirm viability of a fiber upgrade. Stay tuned for further information.
    • Some residents expressed that they are happy knowing Frock camera is in place as an added security.
    • Mailbox painting was discussed. Some have sanded down mailboxes and used black matte spray paint along with a clear coat. Accessories can be purchased online through Mailboxproject.net.
  • Spring Newsletter

    Spring is officially here, and our neighborhood is in bloom! There are lots of things happening here at Horsemen’s Run. Now that the warmer months are upon us (did we really have a winter?), activity in the community will increase. Below are some reminders and some new events coming up.

    In December, we had our Annual Board Meeting at Woolsey Baptist Church where Barry Hess and Dave Matos explained by line item each expense incurred the past year. You should have received the budget with the 2023 assessments. Our big expense this past year was the pool. It was a much-needed project.

    Pool: The pool has been completely repaired and resurfaced and new tile has been placed around the perimeter of the pool. In the coming months, we will be in need of volunteers for the summer months to help maintain the pool. More information to follow in our next newsletter. Pool will be opening in the latter part of May. Stay tuned.

    Speeding: Please keep in mind that the speed limit is 25mph in the neighborhood. There have been complaints of cars speeding down the hills going at very high speeds. There are many children in this community who ride bikes and those who walk their pets. Please be cognizant of your speed and respectful of your neighbors.

    Boats, trailers and jet skis: In accordance with paragraph 7.4 of the covenants; boats, trailers and other towable vehicles may not be stored in the open for longer than 24 hours in Horsemen’s Run. Please keep them in your garage, approved storage structure or stored off-site unless you are actively using them. Please contact the Board if you have any questions.

    Pets: Please be considerate of your neighbors and ensure your pets are under control, not roaming the neighborhood and not nuisance barkers. When walking your pet, please bag the waste and throw it away when you return home. The waste is a nuisance and a potential health hazard.

    Architectural Review Committee: With Spring, comes projects! If you plan to do an outside projects such as landscaping, painting, screened porches, decks, additional structures, or removing trees you will need to fill out and submit a Request for Exterior Alteration, Addition, or Improvement form to the Architectural Review Committee. This form can be found on Horsemensrun.org under “Forms“. We live in a Covenant protected community and it is the homeowner’s responsibility to follow our protected covenants. In broad terms, a homeowner can make alterations and improvements inside the home at any time, however the owner must seek permission and approval to alter or add any improvements to a house’s exterior.

    Mailboxes: We have noticed several mailboxes with missing numbers. Please have them replaced. There are several requests to have them refurbished. We have found a paint that will make them look almost new. The Association will provide this paint to anyone who wants to use it. Please contact a Board member if you are interested. If you need to contact the mailbox company, we use Mailbox Repair and Restoration: 770-535-0036. Mailboxproject.net. An information paper is on our web page under “Governing Documents“.

    Landscaping: We are currently in the process of receiving bids for landscaping for our community. If you see something that needs attention, please let a Board member know.

    Volunteers: Because of the many volunteers throughout the years, we have been lucky to have such an active, engaging community. This could not be done without our many volunteers! Thank you to all of our volunteers who have served and are currently serving for the Pool, Welcome Committee, Communications Committee, Social Committee, Octoberfest Event, Annual Yard Sale, Neighborhood Watch and Architectural Committees.

    Annual Assessments: The Annual Assessments are due March 31st. Thank you to the 45 of 109 who have already sent dues in.

    Social: Amanda Diehl has been incredible at organizing social events in our community. There is a Horsemen’s Run Book Club that meets at various times. If interested, please contact Amanda at [email protected].

    Neighborhood Watch: Many years ago, the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office came to Horsemen’s Run to do fingerprinting. Back then, we were given a copy of our child’s fingerprints in case an abduction or a missing child event should occur. Technology now allows for them to store the fingerprints digitally. The Fayette County Sheriff will be offering this free service on Saturday, April 22nd from 1pm-3pm at the pool. You can drop in between those times. This does not just pertain to children. Elderly family members or those with disabilities are welcome too. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Holland at [email protected].

    Annual Yard Sale: Annual yard sale will be held on Saturday, April 15th. Start collecting your unwanted items now! For questions, please contact Aria Williams at [email protected].

    GRADUATING CLASS OF 2023: HRCA purchases a banner for graduating seniors. The banner is placed at the entrance sometime in May. Nancy Holland will be collecting names and colleges (if known). The deadline for the name collecting will be Wednesday, May 3rd. You can send your information to Nancy Holland at [email protected].

    GroupMe Announcement App: The HRCA Board is looking for additional ways to ensure announcements are received by as many residents as possible. A GroupMe has been created for announcements only. In this type of group, only the administrators can make the announcements, there is no back and forth discussion. The primary purpose of this GroupMe will be to direct you to more detailed announcements on horsemensrun.org and/or Facebook.

    The link to join the GroupMe is below (or use the QR code) – signing up will require you to input your street address for acceptance into the group. GroupMe can be run as an app or you can set it up to text you the announcements.

    Attend an Upcoming Board Meeting. Please try to attend a Board meeting and let your voices be heard. Meeting dates will be emailed to all residents, posted on the website, placed on our Facebook page, and posted on the marquee at the entrance. Please let us know if you have any ideas or comments at our email address or by phone.

    Our next board meeting will be at Nancy Holland’s house at 215 Addison Drive on Thursday, March 16th at 6 pm. If you wish to attend, kindly RSVP to [email protected] or 470-384-9950 so we can have chairs ready.