2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Horsemen’s Run Community Association, Inc
Board of Directors / Annual Homeowner Meeting Minutes
14 December 2019

Meeting was called to order at 9:40am at the Woolsey Baptist Church. A quorum was established (51 proxies and 12 homeowners in attendance); the 2019 Board of Directors; and special guests Sheriff Barry Babb and Captain Ethon Harper.

 As of 30 Nov we have $14013.72 in the Operations account and $58256.78 in the Reserve account.

Barry Hess presented the Annual Report to the homeowners to include:  2020 Board election; thanks to Committee Chairs and volunteer homeowners; 2019 accomplishments; 2020 project overview; gazebo update;  2019 expenses to date; 2020 proposed draft budget; proposed annual 2020 assessment ; proposed 2019 expenses; and current HRCA financial status.  A time for questions and comments was set aside for all homeowners in attendance. Meeting presentation and handouts will be posted on our HRCA web page.

Captain Ethon Harper and Sheriff Barry Babb presenting information on County camera’s in use along with specifications and various options and the latest crime statistics for both our County and Horsemen’s Run. We had asked our homeowner’s earlier for comments and opinions regarding installing a camera at our entrance.  We had 38 homeowner responses with 32 saying yes (84%) and 6 saying no (16%).

2019 accomplishments included: entrance lights repaired/replaced; pool house repaired/repainted/new LED pool lights; pool sump pump replaced and septic tank pumped; retention pond weir repaired / trees removed; tennis courts resurfaced; main park water restored along with a new control box (old one failed); Denton Park water and electric restored; and our gazebo replaced.

We were fortunate that in March 2018 we replaced our insurance coverage to “replacement value” and all new gazebo costs were covered with the exception of $398.01 which came out of our Reserve Fund. Our thanks to Lichty Brothers Homes and Remodeling who erected the replacement.

2020 project list includes: improvements to our parks; replacing trees; resurfacing the pool parking lot; resealing our main park pathway; replacing missing pool tiles and resealing the edges; continued pool filter maintenance; and installing an entrance camera.

The proposed 2020 operating budget totals $104,200.00 based upon maintaining our current annual assessment at $925 and increasing the Initiation Fee from $850 to $925. The HRCA Annual Assessment will be mailed out this month and is payable on 1 January 2020 and due 31 March 2020. The assessment is delinquent as of 1 April and a late fee will be charged.

Handouts included the HRCA financial status (as of 30 Nov) and the 2020 planned operating budget. The slide set also included an accounting of 2019 Reserve expenditures and a proposed 2020 Reserve/Contingency budget. Both proposed budgets for 2020 were approved by the elected board in executive session after the formal meeting.

Calls for volunteers to assist with landscaping projects was met by one homeowner who agreed to participate in 2020.

The 2019 Board election vote (proxy and meeting ballots) were counted and certified by two homeowners.  We had a total of 58 ballots (54% of our homeowners) with 51 proxy ballots and 7 meeting ballots.  3 ballots were not counted as they were received outside the required reception date. Results were: Barry Hess 51; Mike Sanderson 42; Mike Draper 48; Steve Watson 9; Jim Cott 5; Bryan Lamberth 7; Chris Mench 1.  

Certified elections results, attendance sheets, and the presentation will be archived and maintained in association records. 

Meeting adjourned at 1115a.m.

We thank everyone who voted and those who attended the annual meeting.

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas !

Your Board of Directors:  

Barry Hess, Mike Sanderson, Mike Draper