September 2020 Newsletter

Can you believe it is already September? Fall must be coming as the squirrels are turning pine cones into pine cobs.

Our HRCA is in good standing financially. As of the end of August, we have $57,508 in our Operations account and $42,099 in our Reserve/Contingency fund.

Pool. We intend to keep the pool open until 30 September subject to weather conditions. We also want to thank everyone for their patience and cooperation during these trying COVID times.

Speeding. We have received several complaints and concerns about cars and trucks speeding within our Community especially down Horsemen’s Run toward our community entrance. Just a reminder – the speed limit is 25 mph throughout the community and many children are present. Please help keep everyone safe.

Boats, trailers, and jet skis. In accordance with the covenants, boats, trailers, and jet skis may not be stored in the open in Horsemen’s Run. Please keep them in your garage, approved storage structure, or stored off-site unless you are actively using them.

Pet stuff. Please be considerate of your neighbors and ensure your pets are under control; not roaming the neighborhood; and not nuisance barkers. When walking your pet, please bag the waste, and curb your dog. This waste is both a nuisance and a potential health hazard. We have a great community and certainly want all homeowners to enjoy their homes and pets. We all work very hard and probably moved to this community for the peace and tranquility it offers. Dogs are a wonderful addition to families and help reduce stress and improve quality of life. We just need to be mindful of our neighbors. Thanks to everyone for their help in this effort.

Mailboxes. We have noticed several mailboxes missing numbers. Please have them replaced. We have received requests for homeowners to refurbish their mailboxes. We have found a paint that will make them almost look new. The Association will provide this paint to anyone who wants to use it. Please contact a Board member if you are interested.

Architectural Review Committee. Your Board has recently received requests for landscaping, installing screened porches, and other external changes. Let us again remind everyone we live in a Covenant protected community. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure – when they want to take some action to modify the exterior of their property – they follow the Horsemen’s Run protective covenants and also any county ordinances. In the broadest terms, a homeowner can make alterations and improvements inside the home at any time, however, the owner must seek permission and approval to alter or add any improvements to a house’s exterior construction.

We encourage you to attend a Board meeting and let your voices be heard. Meeting dates will be emailed to all residents, placed on our Facebook page, and posted on the entrance marquee sign. Please let us know if you have any ideas or comments. Your Board email address is [email protected]. You may also call us at (404) 721-7220. Leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Your 2020 Board of Directors
Barry Hess Mike Sanderson Mike Draper
President Vice President Treasurer