• Gazebo Update

    Our new gazebo is now in place, electrical power is restored, and we are almost ready to make use of this community Icon. It has been quite a struggle rebuilding the gazebo; what with dealing with the insurance; finding a contractor with a Commercial License; going through the required multiple permitting and inspections process. These have all taken time beyond what was anticipated. This was especially true since the county could not locate the plans and permits from the original construction and required us to start from scratch with new certified architectural drawings and a series of building inspections. Our contractor, Lichty Brothers Homes, Inc, has been superb guiding us through the Fayette County bureaucracy and has done an outstanding job getting us to this point.

    We are essentially complete and ready to open the gazebo except Fayette County has imposed a new requirement to install commercial-grade handrails along the stairs where none had been required before. The railings have been ordered and should arrive around the 3rd of September and installed as soon as possible after that. Once railings are installed the County will come back and give us a “final approval” before we can fully “open” the gazebo. Hopefully, that will be the end of the saga, in time for the Horsemen’s Run Oktoberfest family party on September 28th.

    Thanks for everyone’s patience.

    Your Board of Directors